But I'm back! Woo! I have a gorgeous new netbook who I can bang around with me it's that dinky and I'm gonna sort out proper internet for myself in the next week.
Back on track.
Even though I have not been blogging, I have been baking. I'm going to put up some pics of the yummyness that has kept me going in the past few months. I've been getting some amazing new cookbooks, namely The Hummingbird baking books, The Urban Cookbook and one of the Avoca books, Tea Time.
Cupcakes, as always, have been really popular for gifts and recently I made the vanilla Hummingbird ones as well as the marshmallow ones, for Luke's Mom and sister. For his sister Rachael, I also made her one of those giant cupcake cakes. It was a tad stressful to make (I'm not sure if I'm a fan of this silicone baking equipment phase), but it tasted really good, so that's all that matters really, I guess!:D

The marshmallow cupcakes were mad to make, the absolute stickyness of the melted marshmallows was a little tricky at times, you had to add it to the cupcakes straight away, when the goo was still really hot and not a moment after, otherwise it just stuck to the spoon and your fingers.
Another yummy cake that I've made were Strawberry Jelly Squares. You just made the cake, added the fresh cream, cut it into squares and dipped into sort of solidified jello and then dipped/ rolled it in coconut. Mmm...
The delishishness of a lemon drizzle cake can never be beaten, so I made one way back when I was still living with Cat for her dad who may have a sweet tooth to rival mine. I don't think there was any left when Cat got home that evening...
Apologies for the grainy phone photo...

Then of course many cards have been made since I last posted, with birthdays and Christmas, so I'll stick them up now before I toddle off to bed. It's getting late and I've driving practice in the morning with Luke's mom Helen, so I must be chipper and aware!

Well, that's all for now folks! I'm definitely back on form now, I'm going to post loads, I have loads of new books to keep me going for aaaaaages, and many fun things coming up, so la dee dah, I should definitely be posting way more regularly now.
Night night!
L x
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