Hi there!:)
I'm sitting on my bed with literally a giant tub of the Glenilen Farm all natural yummy raspberry yoghurt with an episode of Criminal Minds. Great way to wind down the day! I'm also feeling quite tired anyway after a late BBQ last night with the Lukes and Caitlin with work this morning. It could very well be one of those nights where I'm asleep as soon as the fairy lights are out.
I'm on a bit of a health kick since I got back from a holiday in New York, so this next recipe was the first to get me back into the cooking buzz! I strongly debated ordering in against walking to Tesco with Luke in the misty rain, but I decided I'd had enough processed food and a bit of cooking would do me good. Plus, I missed cooking if I'm honest!
So, this is another one from Jamie's 30 Minute Meals, but is just the main course, and the ingredients are all very handy. It's called "Pregnant Jools' Pasta" but it's still just as AMAZING even if you're not having a baby...
So, this version serves 2 people and all you need is:
-2 spring onions
-1 carrot
-1 fresh chilli
-4 good quality sausages
-1/2 tsp dried oregano
-2 cloves of garlic
-2 tbsp balsamic vinegar
-half a tin of chopped tomatoes
-some basil sprigs
-100g fusili pasta
*So all you need to do is roughly chop up the spring onions, carrot, chilli and sausage and blend them all in a food processor.
*When it's all blended well, tip it into a hot frying pan with some olive oil.
*Put on the pasta to boil for ten minutes.
*Keep stirring the sausage mix to make sure it all cooks. Add a tbsp of pasta water if you need to loosen it up a bit.
*Crush the garlic cloves into the sausage mix, the balsamic vinegar and chopped tinned tomatoes. Simmer for 2-3 minutes. Tear in the basil and stir it up.
*Drain the pasta and serve with the sausage mix on top with a sprinkling of Parmesan cheese.
Tesco had a two for €5 deal with their 'Finest' range of sausages when I made this the other day, so I used their chorizo ones and it was absolutely amazing.
Also, my food processor isn't great, so I chopped up the sausages separately as it really wasn't working out well. Jamie also calls for celery, but I don't think it was missed.
But DO make sure you have that most angelic of ingredients, the balsamic vinegar. It is so completely wonderful.
Anyhoodle kids, I'm going to bed, I'm absolutely shattered, but I hope you enjoy this one!
Night! L x
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