Sunday, January 10, 2010

Birthday cake fail!

Some cakes don't always go to plan and last January (which means another is due soon...*gulp*) I made my sister's birthday cake. To try and prevent heartache, I greased and floured the tins beforehand, but no, it was not meant to be. When I popped out the cakes (while still warm. Do not do this!), one broke in to 3 pieces. Knowing my super baker aunts were coming over and my Nana, I was putting myself under pressure to make a cool cake, so when it broke, I broke! However, after I calmed down a bit, I decorated it to the max and made sure my mom cut it so that the guests didn't get the broken side and were unaware:) Even if it is desperately wonky looking...

Note to all: use baking parchment for cakes. Best invention ever and guarantees a no tears baking experience!

1 comment:

  1. how did u fix it so well? it looks gorgeous! that happened to me once, and i cried. Then made it into a chocolate pudding trifle thing :)but parchment all the way! lakeland have bags of circles ready cut out :)
