Since we're in our last week of classes in IADT, I decided I'd bake for my superb class to express my love of them. So Sunday I spent hours just baking. Baking away, having a ball and watching Monster House for my Gothic and Horror essay. I multi-task. So I made a new cake in a bundt tin my Mom has (again with the great supply of baking equipment...), cookies and cupcakes. For the cakes I used the recipe for the best cupcakes in the world- some were plain, others chocolate with chocolate chips. There were about 40 cupcakes, the cake and a batch of cookies. (I'm wondering can I buy cake boxes online, because all I can usually find that fit the cakes are shoeboxes!)
Needless to say, we had our fill of cake by the end of the day!
For the cake I tried a new vanilla buttercream and if Griffin's face is anything to go by, it was pretty good:) I added raspberries to the middle and top and sprinkled melted chocolate over it. It made a change from my usual 'there must be a high level of chocolate'. Okay, there was chocolate drizzled over it, but that doesn't count... Siobhan brought in buns her lovely mother Joan made which were rather divine and had a surprise jam centre. We had a lovely time tea-ing it up with many cakes to munch on.
By golly, I'm going to miss you guys x
(I wish the photos would upload in the order I want them in...but no.)
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